- You may not use modified clients that affect gameplay.
- Racist, homophobic, or otherwise offensive language or imagery will not be tolerated.
- Regular cursing is within acceptable boundaries but the staff of MCBF reserves the right to pass judgement on what is excessive.
- To clarify; you will not be banned for the offhand use of the 'F' word, but any racial or homophobic slurs will result in a ban. - You may not impersonate staff.
- Staff vacancies will be posted online, submit applications there. Do NOT ask to be staff through any other means. - Spam will be met with a warning. Subsequent violations will result in a ban.
- No advertising. You may not advertise your server, any other server, or website via in game chat. This is strictly enforced with bans.
- You may not transfer or send hate speech.
- You may not threaten or use action that compromises the server, or user accounts.
- You may raid, but griefing is discouraged as it causes other issues.
- You are responsible for your own account, if a family member, friend, etc uses your account and gets banned, it is your problem.
- Server will not reimburse items lost in crashes/roll-backs or from lag. Note; All servers are vulnerable to crashes/lag and can happen to anyone, anywhere.
Staff Rules
- All rules listed on the website apply to staff members as well.In certain circumstances, your staff privileges will allow you one more warning, but those privileges will be revoked upon receiving a warning.-
- Do not ban or kick people without a reason, even if they are your friends. Meaningless banning will result in removal of staff privileges, meaningless kicks will receive warnings.
(Contact Jake Spencer for help with any accidental bans, these will not be punished) - Do not use staff powers to interfere with the survival experience of others. Your privileges are intended to help keep the server under control, and irresponsible behavior will result in removal of staff privileges.
- Do not make threats regarding your position as staff.
- Warning someone that what they're doing is against the rules is acceptable, but using your privileges to threaten members of the server with punishments that are not within your jurisdiction will result in a removal of staff privileges.