We have resolved the issues with the server, and this should be the end of the problems.
You may find that you are sent to spawn upon re-joining if you have just started on our server between March 4th-5th, your inventory should be completely untouched as this is just the scoreboard assuming you are new, as we had to restore that one file from a backup.
The issue was indirectly caused by the original chunk error, which we restored from a backup, and we left older backups to restore to if anything became broken which caused the server’s storage to run out and the following Json files were damaged: Banned-Players.json and Banned-IPs.json, ops.json was wiped.
Scoreboard.dat was also wiped.
The damage to the banned-players/ips files does not effect who was banned, as it was just the end parts of the last person/ip banned.
Thank you for your continued patience, and we apologize for any inconvenience this caused.